Tapestry Tuesday (2/6/24)

"Enhancing your faith is my mission, carefully weaving together captivating internet topics into a tapestry of resources that supplement and uplift."


Hell Should Unsettle Christians: Embracing the Most Emotionally Difficult Doctrine | Desiring God

Reflecting on watching "The Lion King" on Broadway, the author ponders society's readiness to cheer for villains getting their comeuppance while feeling uneasy discussing the concept of hell. Drawing from C.S. Lewis and theologian Wayne Grudem, they stress the importance of grappling with biblical teachings on God's justice, even if it's uncomfortable. Looking to the book of Revelation, they find hope in the portrayal of ultimate justice, envisioning a future where everyone will understand and celebrate God's fairness, even regarding hell.

What Authority Does a Husband Have over His Wife? | Crossway Articles

A husband's authority is like offering advice rather than issuing commands; there's no enforcement mechanism like a parent's rod, with the aim being to foster oneness in marriage, similar to an evangelist wooing towards faith, emphasizing a gentle, loving approach.

Win People Rather Than Arguments (thegospelcoalition.org)

My friends and I used to dive into debates about religion, politics, and social issues, thinking we were evangelizing, but I've realized true evangelism is more about sharing Christ's love and grace, not winning arguments or showcasing knowledge. So now, I'm focused on walking alongside others, listening to their hearts, and introducing them to the real message of the gospel.

Three Lessons from Joni Eareckson Tada on Resilient Joy in Pain - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries (epm.org)

Despite experiencing profound suffering, the writer discovers unexpected joy and purpose in their hardship, likening life to a bleak field hiding treasures of God's love and hope, finding resilience through serving others and embracing a joy that transcends sorrow, ultimately affirming the commandment to rejoice for the sake of Christ even amidst trials.

How can the church remain faithful in this current cultural climate?

18F ProductLove Jim 30 HD TV H264 (youtube.com)

For those who do not like to read, here is a video from one of my favorite preachers. 

The Beautiful Burden of Caregiving – Women.pcacdm.org

Caring for my mother, diagnosed with a debilitating brain disease in my early thirties, became my responsibility as her primary caregiver after quitting my job, a challenging and burdensome task that, despite its difficulties, revealed profound beauty and spiritual growth through sacrificial love and moments of closeness with her, showing me the deeper significance of honoring our parents.


Tapestry Tuesday (2/13/24)


Tapestry Tuesday (1/30/24)