Tapestry Tuesday (1/30/24)

"Enhancing your faith is my mission, carefully weaving together captivating internet topics into a tapestry of resources that supplement and uplift."


Secret Service – The Palest Ink (the-palest-ink.com)

A small group of church members, initially hesitant, found profound joy and purpose in serving the elderly through caroling, leading one to reflect on the transformative power of selfless acts, inspiring her to engage in ongoing, humble, and impactful service to those in need, emphasizing the importance of quiet, behind-the-scenes kindness rooted in love and the teachings of Jesus.

What Is the Church? (ligonier.org)

Pastor Derek Thomas defines the church for us in a succinct and biblical manner.

God Is For You: No Matter Where, No Matter Who, No Matter What – Bible Study Nerd (home.blog)

Melissa, the author, reflects on aging, societal expectations of women's desirability, and the emotional impact of realizing she can no longer wear a beautiful dress, finding solace in the realization that life's true beauty lies in embracing the present and the joyous, complicated phases of life.

How "Back in My Day . . ." Harms Our Witness in ". . . Such a Time as This." (gentlereformation.com)

The author emphasizes the need for Christians to engage with contemporary issues without succumbing to nostalgia or self-righteousness. They caution against idealizing the past, advocate for a balanced view of history, and stress the importance of addressing present evils with Scriptural wisdom and humility, rather than merely expressing outrage. The piece concludes by urging Christians to invite others to the message of hope found in Jesus, rather than adopting a combative stance.

A Quarter of Mainline Methodist Churches Left the Denomination Last Year. Now What? (thegospelcoalition.org)

The article discusses the 100th anniversary of the Methodist Building on Capitol Hill, highlighting the decline of United Methodism in the U.S., particularly after a schism over sexuality, resulting in the exit of 25% of its churches. It explores the conservative congregations' rush to leave before an expected liberalization in church policies and the formation of the Global Methodist Church (GMC) as an alternative. The article also reflects on the historical context, challenges, and potential future contributions of a renewed Methodism.


Tapestry Tuesday (2/6/24)


Tapestry Tuesday (1/23/24)