Tapestry Tuesday (3/5/24)

"Enhancing your faith is my mission, carefully weaving together captivating internet topics into a tapestry of resources that supplement and uplift."


An Open Letter to Christians Who Doubt | Crossway Articles

"I’ve wrestled with doubt enough times to learn some helpful strategies, so the passing illness doesn’t settle in like long-term Covid. I’ve developed enough antibodies to embrace the repeated refrain, “I believe. Help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). And I have watched my episodes of this “common cold” become less severe and dissipate more quickly."

Outside the Gospels, What Can We Really Know About Jesus? (humbleskeptic.com)

"Compelling evidence for Jesus' life is often found in overlooked places."

Is It Ever Right to Lie? | Desiring God

Augustine once said, “Whether we should ever tell a lie if it be for someone’s welfare is a question that has vexed even the most learned.”

Seeing Red — Karen Wade Hayes

"Anger is a confusing and challenging emotion." Yet it is a God-given emotion. Karen ponders a bit in her post about this powerful and common emotion.

Rumblings of Revival Among Gen Z? (thegospelcoalition.org)

I love Tim Keller’s definition of revival: “The intensification of the ordinary operation of the work of the Holy Spirit, occurring mainly through the ordinary ‘instituted means of grace’—preaching, pastoring, worship, prayer.” It’s broad enough to not overly specify the forms a revival might take while narrow enough to give you a sense of God at work, helping you identify the signs of revival when you see them.

Today, I wonder if we’re seeing the beginning of a revival among Gen Z, particularly those in college. As I survey the landscape, I see signs of hope and renewal that strike me as unexpected and remarkable.


Tapestry Tuesday (3/19/24)


Tapestry Tuesday (2/27/24)