Tapestry Tuesday (2/20/24)

"Enhancing your faith is my mission, carefully weaving together captivating internet topics into a tapestry of resources that supplement and uplift."


How Long Does Grieving Take? - Counseling One Another

Recognize that loss and grief vary in their timing and intensity, whether sudden like Job's or gradual like the slow loss to dementia, understanding that each person's grieving process is unique and resisting the urge to compare or judge, instead focusing on living faithfully by God's promises, knowing that healing is not solely dependent on time but on God's grace, which flows steadily as we bring our pain and longing to Him, trusting in His faithfulness to make everything beautiful in His time.

When People Are Big and God Is Small (Ed Welch)              - Counseling One Another

I have this book and it's a good one. I still struggle with being a people pleaser because I like for people to be happy. But what happens when your desire to please people flies in the face of God? Or, how do you become someone who's motivation is first to please God even if it will make others unhappy? Ed Welch helps to answer these questions in his book.

Today, You Will Be With Me In Paradise - Counseling One Another

One thief mocked Jesus while the other sought His mercy; the repentant thief was promised paradise by Jesus, illustrating God's grace for those who humble themselves, recognizing their need for mercy, while the unrepentant remain blinded by pride, demonstrating the necessity of recognizing one's sinfulness and turning to Christ in faith for salvation.

You Will Never Be Independent - Counseling One Another

Our entire existence, sustenance, forgiveness, nurturing, safety, and guidance come from God, and acknowledging our dependence on Him defines our faith and identity: "I am his dependent, poor and weak, sinful yet forgiven, God's child, a refugee, and a sheep in his flock."


Tapestry Tuesday (2/27/24)


Tapestry Tuesday (2/13/24)